Welcome to EUKITEA Theatre Company!

We are an independent and professional theatre company based in the heart of Bavaria, with an office in Berlin. We are working in the field of children and youth theatre, experimental theatre as well as in the organization of international theatre projects.

Prosperos TraumFor more than 25 years, EUKITEA has been active in a holistic and innovative way, strongly committed to cultural sustainability, global responsibility and intercultural communication.

The special thing about EUKITEA is the heartfelt symbiosis between our passionate sense for arts and our vision of a bright and future – compliant world. That´s what you will find in every detail of our creative activity.

Theatre embedded in an international context

For more than 20 years, EUKITEA has been in close contact and cooperation with a plenty of international theatre companies, actors and artists. As a result numerous guest plays, guest direction and guest parts, co-productions and various joint projects have been taken place.

international theatre projectOur exchange is based on mutual inspiration, new perspectives and joint investigation of new theatre forms. Our goal is to face the challenge of global responsibility – via theatre and arts.
With our plays for the mobile stage, EUKITEA was on tour from India to Orient, from Finland to Portugal.

Last summer we arranged the “Black Sea Festival” with famous theatre companies from around the Black Sea area, eg the georgian state theatre. Follow- up project: joint development of a theatre format about global responsibility and future – for children and youth, for the mobile and international stage.

EUKITEA Theatrehouse

is stage, laboratory and meeting point in a thrilling wood architecture – aesthetic and eco-friendly.

Theaterhaus EukiteaIt is there that we organize our company, develop our projects and plays and bring people from all over the world in a prolific exchange.
On our unique stage we present a colorful and sophisticated calendar of events with local and global artists and offer a large number of creative workshops (theatre, dance, yoga etc.) for different ages.

Preventive theatre for children and youth on the mobile stage

EUKITEA was hounoured as best practise (EUCPN) for its preventive theatre for children in december 2011! The project „Goodbye North Pole“is an official UNESCO – project (within the United Nations World Decade „Education for Sustainable Development“) 2010/2011 and 2012/ 20013.

In cooperation with specialist institutions we develop preventive, interactive and vivid theatre productions for children and young people. Our stuff has a great wealth of experience and combines the roles of pedagogues and actors. Quality in arts and competency in terms of content are equally important to us.
The majority of our plays are developed for the mobile stage, what enables us to take them directly into schools and kindergardens.
We cover subjects like prevention of violence, drug and sexual abuse, health and environmental issues.

The plays performed by EUKITEA give kids a better understanding of the world, and give them power and responsibility. And they are fun!

Cultural projects and festivals

Theaternacht_ProsperosTraum_13EUKITEA is the organizer of great annual events with an international and interdisciplinary cast. E.g. Italian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and German actors, landart artists, dancers, choires, fine arts, etc.

Our events are dedicated inter alia to experimental theatre and arts, arts and nature (e.g. open air projects), sustainability and intercultural exchange.

We are currently working on our this year´s summer event. More information will be coming soon.


Contact & further information:

You want to find out more about us, are interested in cooperating with us or discussing a potential project?

Please get in touch with Mr. Stephan Eckl.

email: s.eckl@eukitea.de
phone: +49/ 8238 96 47 43 0

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Our content in English language will be extended gradually.